Children's Guitar - Course Breakdowns
(Click the tabs below to read the full breakdown of each part of the course)
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The Children's guitar course includes the following lessons:
Let's Play Guitar
The Tutor - Chris Cropp
Chris has a degree in music technology and grade 8 with distinction in acoustic guitar. He oversees the construction of all material for the Rock Star Academy Rock n Pop school where children between the ages of 6 and 14 are taught to play guitar, drums and keys. He has an impressive knowledge of music theory and uses it to develop lessons that are logical and progressive.
The Let’s Play Guitar course has been developed especially for children. The course uses familiar melodies and enjoyable exercises to teach good technique. Whether you are an absolute beginner or already know a bit this course will help improve your playing and give you skills to enjoy your instrument.
Course Structure
- Understanding Tab (Learn to play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
- Posture (Learn to play Old Macdonald)
- Fretting Hand Finger Placement (Learn to play I'm A Little Teapot)
- Plucking the String (Learn to play Incy Wincy Spider)
- Plucking Hand Position (Learn to play Row Row Row Your Boat)
- Fretting Hand Position (Learn to play The Grand Old Duke of York)
- String Tone (Learn to play Bah Bah Black Sheep)
- Fretting Hand Finger Positioning (Learn to play Yankee Doodle)
- Timing/Rhythm (Learn to play Humpty Dumpty)
- Skills Recap (Learn to play Rock a Bye Baby)
Music Theory
Welcome to the Rock Star Academy Core Skills lessons. In these lessons you have the opportunity to learn many interesting chords, scales, arpeggios, rhythms, and picking patterns.
The Core Skills lessons also explain useful music theory that allows you to understand how chords, scales, and arpeggios are constructed. You will also get to learn how standard music notation and guitar tab work as they are both very valuable tools when learning how to play guitar.
The core skills will help to improve your ability to compose and give you a deeper understanding of how to jam along with other musicians.
Course Structure
- Tab and notation differences
- Reading tab
- Reading standard musical notation
- Reading notational rhythm
- Notation symbols note duration
Section 1 - Chords
- Scales 1
- Scales 2
- Scales 3
- Scales 4
- Rhythm And Lead 1
- Rhythm And Lead 2
- Rhythm And Lead 3
- Rhythm And Lead 4
Section 2 - Chords
- Scales 1
- Scales 2
- Rhythm And Lead 1
- Rhythm And Lead 2
- Rhythm And Lead 3
- Rhythm And Lead 4
Rock Star Challenge
The Tutor - Chris Cropp
Chris has a degree in music technology and grade 8 with distinction in guitar. He has a rare natural ability for playing musical instruments and has a special talent for composing music. His impressive knowledge of music theory helps to develop lessons that are logical and progressive. Chris has used all these skills to devise a Rock Star Challenge that will test your skills and improve your playing.
The Rock Star Challenge tests your ability as a guitarist. Work your way through each star, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Brown and Black. When you master the Black Star you have earned Rock Star Status. As you work through each stage you will discover new chords, chord patterns, rhythms, scales, arpeggios, and solos.
At each stage common questions are answered and useful points are explained. Each stage of the challenge gets a little harder until you reach and conquer the Black Star!
Can you achieve Rock Star Status?
Course Structure
- Major Chord
Pentatonic Scale
Rhythm Challenge 1 chord
Lead Challenge D Pentatonic
- Minor and Major Chords
1 Octave Open Pentatonic Ascending Scale
Rhythm Challenge 2 chord
Lead Challenge G Pentatonic
- Barre, Minor and Major Chords
1 Octave Open Scale
Rhythm Challenge 3 Chord
Lead Challenge 3 Chord Picking
- Sharpe, Barre, Minor and Major Chords
2 Octave Fretted Pentatonic Major Scale
2 Octave Fretted Pentatonic Minor Scale
Rhythm Challenge 4 chord
Lead Challenge Major and Minor Pentatonic
- Extended Chords
2 Octave Fretted Forward Scale
2 Octave Fretted Backwards Scale
1 Octave Arpeggios
Rhythm Challenge 6 chord
Lead Challenge multi Scale
- Extended Chord Positions
2 Octave Fretted Dorian Scale
2 Octave Fretted Mixolydian Scale
2 Octave Arpeggio
Rhythm Challenge 9 chord
Lead Challenge Dorian and Mixolydian Scales