Advanced Guitar - Course Breakdowns
(Click the tabs below to read the full breakdown of each part of the course)

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The Advanced guitar course includes the following lessons:
Advanced Guitar

Course Structure
- Pentatonic Scales Major
- Pentatonic Scales Minor
- Pentatonic Scales Blues
- Arpeggios - A Form Major
- Arpeggios - A Form Minor
- Arpeggios - C Form Major
- Arpeggios - C Form Minor
- Arpeggios - E Form Major
- Arpeggios - E Form Minor
Master Classes

The Tutor - Jack Jordan
As a semi-professional musician, I play guitar, perform and record regularly in various groups and ensembles across the country.
I have been playing the Guitar and studying music for 11 years. In this time I have gained a vast amount of experience and knowledge not only about the guitar its self but also within the music industry, through Composing, arranging, recording, performing and touring with groups and artists across the country.
In 2007 I became the “LIQUIDISCO” Best Guitarist, a national music competition where I beat off over 4000 other guitar players voted for by representatives of LAG guitars. During the same year, I as part of a group won the Ukskills gold award in popular music, and the UMF (university music fest.) First prize award, both again voted for industry Professionals.
Jack has put together a series of guitar master classes. He covers a wide variety of guitar techniques including dorian sweep picking and two hand tapping licks. He has designed a guitar legends play like series where he teaches to play in the style of Kirk Hammet, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen and Slash. He also covers a wide variety of guitar tricks from making your guitar sound like an elephant to slide hybrid picking. These lessons are not for the feint hearted and should pose a challenge even to the most accomplished of guitarists.
Course Structure
- Advanced Warmup
Tapping Lick
Dorian Sweep Lick
Sweep Lick
Pentatonic Legato
Aeolian Alternate
2 Hand Tapping Lick
Diminished Arpeggio
E Minor Full Neck
Slide Hybrid Picking
- Hammer On Pull Off I
Hammer On Pull Off II
Hammer On Pull Off III
- Natural Harmonics
Artificial Harmonics I
Artificial Harmonics II
- Guitar Pick Scrape
Guitar Motorbike
Guitar Elephant
Guitar Car Horn
Dive Bomb
- Play Like Kirk Hammet 1
Play Like Kirk Hammet 2
Play Like Kirk Hammet 3
Play Like Kirk Hammet 4
Play Like Steve Vai 1
Play Like Steve Vai 2
Play Like Steve Vai 3
Play Like Steve Vai 4
Play Like Steve Vai 5
Play Like Steve Vai 6
Play Like Yngwie Malmsteen 1
Play Like Yngwie Malmsteen 2
Play Like Yngwie Malmsteen 3
Play Like Yngwie Malmsteen 4
Play Like Yngwie Malmsteen 5
Play Like Yngwie Malmsteen 6
Play Like Slash 1
Play Like Slash 2
Play Like Slash 3
Play Like Slash 4
- Blues 12 Bar Power Chords
Blues 12 Bar Dominant 7th Chords
Blues Minor Pentatonic Scale
Blue String Bending 1
Blue String Bending 2
Blue String Bending 3
- Country Banjo Roll
Country Chicken Picking
- Jazz Harmonised Progression
Jazz Chords
- All the E's
Alternate Picking
Rhythm Rock n Roll
Major Minor Scales
String Bending
Rhythm Crochets
Music Theory

Welcome to the Rock Star Academy Core Skills lessons. In these lessons you have the opportunity to learn many interesting chords, scales, arpeggios, rhythms, and picking patterns.
The Core Skills lessons also explain useful music theory that allows you to understand how chords, scales, and arpeggios are constructed. You will also get to learn how standard music notation and guitar tab work as they are both very valuable tools when learning how to play guitar.
The core skills will help to improve your ability to compose and give you a deeper understanding of how to jam along with other musicians.
Course Structure
- Tab and notation differences
- Reading tab
- Reading standard musical notation
- Reading notational rhythm
- Notation symbols note duration
Section 1 - Chords
- Scales 1
- Scales 2
- Scales 3
- Scales 4
- Rhythm And Lead 1
- Rhythm And Lead 2
- Rhythm And Lead 3
- Rhythm And Lead 4
Section 2 - Chords
- Scales 1
- Scales 2
- Rhythm And Lead 1
- Rhythm And Lead 2
- Rhythm And Lead 3
- Rhythm And Lead 4

Rock Star Challenge

The Tutor - Chris Cropp
Chris has a degree in music technology and grade 8 with distinction in guitar. He has a rare natural ability for playing musical instruments and has a special talent for composing music. His impressive knowledge of music theory helps to develop lessons that are logical and progressive. Chris has used all these skills to devise a Rock Star Challenge that will test your skills and improve your playing.
The Rock Star Challenge tests your ability as a guitarist. Work your way through each star, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Brown and Black. When you master the Black Star you have earned Rock Star Status. As you work through each stage you will discover new chords, chord patterns, rhythms, scales, arpeggios, and solos.
At each stage common questions are answered and useful points are explained. Each stage of the challenge gets a little harder until you reach and conquer the Black Star!
Can you achieve Rock Star Status?
Course Structure
- Major Chord
Pentatonic Scale
Rhythm Challenge 1 chord
Lead Challenge D Pentatonic
- Minor and Major Chords
1 Octave Open Pentatonic Ascending Scale
Rhythm Challenge 2 chord
Lead Challenge G Pentatonic
- Barre, Minor and Major Chords
1 Octave Open Scale
Rhythm Challenge 3 Chord
Lead Challenge 3 Chord Picking
- Sharpe, Barre, Minor and Major Chords
2 Octave Fretted Pentatonic Major Scale
2 Octave Fretted Pentatonic Minor Scale
Rhythm Challenge 4 chord
Lead Challenge Major and Minor Pentatonic
- Extended Chords
2 Octave Fretted Forward Scale
2 Octave Fretted Backwards Scale
1 Octave Arpeggios
Rhythm Challenge 6 chord
Lead Challenge multi Scale
- Extended Chord Positions
2 Octave Fretted Dorian Scale
2 Octave Fretted Mixolydian Scale
2 Octave Arpeggio
Rhythm Challenge 9 chord
Lead Challenge Dorian and Mixolydian Scales