Bass Guitar - Course Breakdowns
(Click the tabs below to read the full breakdown of each part of the course)

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The Bass guitar course includes the following lessons:
Bass Guitar Core Skills 
The Tutor - Chris Cropp
Chris has a degree in music technology and grade 8 with distinction in guitar. He has a rare natural ability for playing musical instruments and has a special talent for composing music. His impressive knowledge of music theory helps to develop lessons that are logical and progressive. Chris has played Bass guitar in several bands and has used all his skills to develop this course to help you get started or improve your playing.
This Core Skills course is designed to help beginners play Bass guitar and offer techniques that will help any Bassist improve their core technique.
The course starts with the basics like how to hold the bass, posture and plucking technique. It progresses on to techniques like finger positioning and string muting, it finishes off with string crossing and rhythmic accuracy.
At every stage of the course you are given exercises to play and practice. Each practice piece is tabbed out and there is an audio file so you can hear what the exercise sounds like.
Course Structure
- Understanding Tab
- Holding the Bass, Posture and Guitar Position
- Plucking Hand Position and Plucking the Strings
- String Tones and Getting a Balanced Tone
- Fretting and Fretting Hand Position
- Fretting and Fretting Hand Finger Placement
- Finger Positioning and Fretting Hand Finger Positioning
- String Muting, Overall String Muting Technique, Fretting Hand Muting and Plucking Hand Muting Technique
- String Crossing, Rhythmic Accuracy, Tonal Consistency and Dynamics
Zero To Hero

The Tutor - Nigel Jones
So I have been playing guitar since I was 12, which is now over 20 years. I’m a qualified guitar teacher with over 10 years experience, a member of the RGT. I have given lessons in schools and colleges across the UK, I have taught 1000s of guitar players in groups and one to one lessons; I’ve had many students get distinctions in grades. I’m now bringing my knowledge of guitar and experience of teaching to Rock Star Academy. I hope you enjoy my lessons...
In the Zero to Hero intermediate bass course you will gain knowledge on core skills, music theory and putting that into real music. It will make you understand the connection between theory and practical; how this will continue to make you a better bass player. You will cover demanding bass lines, chord tones, scales and arpeggios; you’ll learn how to keep these skills under control and in time. This course will develop you as a musician and push you. The course is designed around grade 2-4 but will help fill in any blanks for players that may have holes in their knowledge at any level. I have designed this course to be interactive so loads of drum loops and backing tracks for you to lay bass lines over.
Course Structure
- Intro (A look at what the course is all about)
- The Chromatic Order (The knowledge that will set you up)
- The Bass Gym (Warming up and practice routines)
- Right Hand Techniques (Different ways to play/produce notes)
- Bang On The Beat (Using root notes to product a bass line)
- Getting Tricky (Start to incorporate 5th and Octaves)
- Chord Tones (Fitting an arpeggio in)
- Putting It Into Practice (5 different patterns incorporating techniques that we have covered so far)
- Playing in key (A guide to how music keys work)
- Pentatonic Power (A look at 5 shapes of the Pentatonic scale)
- Major Scales (A look at different Major shapes)
- Minor Scales (A look at different Minor shapes)
- Big Sound (Using the Pentatonic to play)
- Big Sound the next level (Using the Major and the Minor)
- 12 Bars Of Fun (Get this classic turn around under you fingers)
- Ripping it up! (5 different bass lines)
Music Theory

Welcome to the Rock Star Academy Core Skills lessons. In these lessons you have the opportunity to learn many interesting chords, scales, arpeggios, rhythms, and picking patterns.
The Core Skills lessons also explain useful music theory that allows you to understand how chords, scales, and arpeggios are constructed. You will also get to learn how standard music notation and guitar tab work as they are both very valuable tools when learning how to play guitar.
The core skills will help to improve your ability to compose and give you a deeper understanding of how to jam along with other musicians.
Course Structure
- Tab and notation differences
- Reading tab
- Reading standard musical notation
- Reading notational rhythm
- Notation symbols note duration
Section 1 - Chords
- Scales 1
- Scales 2
- Scales 3
- Scales 4
- Rhythm And Lead 1
- Rhythm And Lead 2
- Rhythm And Lead 3
- Rhythm And Lead 4
Section 2 - Chords
- Scales 1
- Scales 2
- Rhythm And Lead 1
- Rhythm And Lead 2
- Rhythm And Lead 3
- Rhythm And Lead 4